Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lets Back this up a bit

After alot of days of saying"I want to start blogging" Here I am.My and the keyboard letting my thoughts flow:)

I want to try and back up a bit to the start of Owens precious little life.I am trying to document all the things that are happening in our life.So here it goes.

 At 33 weeks i went into preterm labor.I ended up in the hospital for a couple of days.It was miserable but i got threw it.I was sent home on a medicine called procardia that I was suppose to take every 3 hours for the next 3 weeks.It was a terrible medicine.I felt like SHIT! But anything I could do to keep my baby in there I would do.In those 3 weeks I wasnt allowed to do anything but get up to go pee.I am so incredible thankful to my husband and friend jen for stepping up and taking care of the family.It was such a struggle for me to give up control of MY house but there was nothing I could do.Also at this time the girls were in their first season of soccer which I had to miss out on:(

 I made it to 36 weeks(right on the dot) We got to the hospital at 1:30am I was checked and was at 4cm and 80%. I was told to walk for 2 hours and see what happened.After 2 hours i only changed .25cm but they decided to keep me.This is where the nightmare for me began.....being only 36 weeks I was told(after being admitted  there was nothing they could give me to move along labor.All i could do was walk,so thats what I did for basically the next 36 hours was walk and squat and lung my way down the hallway of redlands community hallways.I was begging for them to break my water and give me pitocin but no one would finally on day 3 my new doc broke my water gave me pitocin and  the show was finally on the road.I opted for the epidural and waited for my little man to come.At 8:10pm I felt like pushing and at 8:23pm after 2 pushes he was here.

From that first cry we noticed something wasnt right.He only cried out of one side of his mouth.No one said anything tho.He checked out perfect they said and sent us off to recover.Though out the night i noticed one eye didnt open and he didnt really cry with his mouth open at all. Just a muffled cry.He was having issues latching but nothing too serious.the next day the pediatrician said he noticed so asymmetry in his face but not be worried he would be fine and it would go away in a week or two.At his follow up with his reg ped a couple days later he said the same thing.I never really thought too much of it cause they were making it no big deal.

A week went by and he woke up with a goppy closed eye.I immediately took him to urgent care.the told me no big deal but took a culture of it anyway.i was told it was more then likely a clogged tear duct and sent on my way with some eye drops.The next week things went from bad to worse and this is where i will leave you for the night.The next recall of Owens life is gonna take me a while to write so night night for now

Owen Christopher Johnson born 4-30-2011  6lbs4.5oz and 18 in long

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